AD1555 pga equivalent, 24-bit adc with low noise pga.
AD1555 Fourth Order ⌺- ⌬ Modulator Large Dynamic Range 116 dB Min, 120 dB Typical @ 1 ms 117 dB Typical @ 0.5 ms Low Input Noise: 80 nV rms @ 4 ms with Gain of 34,128 Low.
Seismic Data Acquisition Systems Chromatography Automatic Test Equipment GENERAL DESCRIPTION
24-Bit ⌺-⌬ ADC with Low No.
24-Bit ⌺-⌬ ADC with Low Noise PGA AD1555/AD1556
high dynamic range measurement applications. The AD1555 outputs a ones-density bitstream proportional to the analog input. When used in conjunction with the AD1556 digital filter/ decimator, a high per.
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